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Millennium Bright Kid Company Ltd

Sector: Childcare Provider

Size of Organisation: 70 employees

Thrive Lead: Lorraine Ashford

What they do: A nursery that provides childcare to babies and children between six weeks to four years. Staff provide a truly enabling environment and facilitate children's learning exceptionally well indoors and outside.

How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: They felt that Thrive at Work would help to provide them with the expertise to improve the wellbeing support offered to their staff. They adopted a slow and steady approach to ensure wellbeing was embedded holistically.

Establishing good communication channels at each nursery was achieved by recruiting a staff member to take on the role of wellbeing champion. This person was then responsible for ensuring that all staff received Thrive communication. A Thrive noticeboard is also displayed at each site to promote lifestyle information and details of campaigns that were being publicised.

Mental Health First Aiders are established, and staff know the designated people they can speak with if they require additional support whilst dealing with personal issues. Many staff required their support during the pandemic, some of which were experiencing death for the first time and appreciated the support of the Mental Health First Aiders, who provided them with someone to talk to that could provide support and signpost to external counselling services.

All staff now have access to an Employee Assistance Programme which was previously only available to management. Staff appreciate this resource and speak positively about the finance and counselling services available.

Being engaged in Thrive at Work has helped Millennium Bright Kids change the organisation's culture. Now, staff and management know that all nurseries are run as one organisation, having a more connected approach and feel.

Award Date: November 2022