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Speciality Fibres and Minerals

Organisation Name: Speciality Fibres and Materials Ltd

Sector: Medical Supplies

Size of Organisation: 70 employees

Thrive Lead: Marta Tranter

What They Do: Speciality Fibres & Materials Ltd is a specialist gelling fibres and x-ray detectable yarn manufacturer to the advanced wound care sector.

How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: Marta Tranter led on the Thrive at work award and on completing their self- assessment, recognising there were some gaps in their provision of policies and procedures and have subsequently introduced a wellbeing policy, a smoking policy and expanded their alcohol policy to include substance misuse. They have also invested in staff wellbeing heavily over the past 12 months by having a number of speakers deliver webinars on topics such as MSK health, the menopause and mental wellbeing. Staff genuinely appreciate the emphasis now being put on their health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Accreditation Date: September 2021