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Steps to Work

Sector: Charity

Size of Organisation: 100 employees

Thrive Lead: Raj Sarai and Ayesha Farooq

What they do: Steps to Work is a charity based in Walsall, they currently have over 100 employees with 20 years’ experience of providing employment support services to residents in deprived areas within the West Midlands and Staffordshire.

How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: There has been a focus on the reduction on stigma, provision of accessible information and targeted health campaigns such as MSK training and encouragement of taking regular breaks. The have achieved this by embedding the activities within the business alongside a supportive HR function and enthusiastic managers building a supportive culture where open and honest communication is promoted. Communication is two way and consultation with and feedback from colleagues has led to improvements in policies and ways of working.

“Steps to Work are really happy and excited to have received the Bronze accreditation. Since implementing the programme, we have received a positive response from our employees. We now hope to achieve the silver and gold accreditation

Award Date: January 2022