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Warwickshire County Council

Organisation Name: Warwickshire County Council

Sector: Public Sector

Size of Organisation: 4500 employees

Thrive Lead: Sian Owen

What They Do: Warwickshire County Council are the local authority for Warwickshire County.

How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: Their journey with Thrive began way before COVID changed the way we all work and there have been a number of staff involved in moving them towards their Bronze level award. Following the Thrive at Work framework has empowered them around the wellbeing of their staff, one example being they now have wellbeing discussions in both `appraisals and one to ones. The Corporate Board are now considering wellbeing much more and have upskilled managers to incorporate this. Following COVID, agile
working has been introduced and staff have welcomed this shift away from the traditional working hours. Thrive has impacted this organisation by placing greater emphasis on the health and wellbeing of its employees and is reaping the benefits by seeing a reduction in sickness absence and having a happy and supported workforce.

Accreditation Date: August 2021