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Courses to help you get a new job

If you're looking to get a new job, perhaps even in a completely different sector or a more specialist area needing tailored skills, one of our short courses might be right up your street. 

There are lots of different types of short courses, but there are two in particular that are designed specifically to help you get a job: SWAPs (Sector Based Work Academy Programmes) and Skills Bootcamps.


Sector-based work academy programmes are an opportunity to learn new skills in a different area of work where there are jobs, such as care, construction, digital and warehousing.

They are designed for unemployed people and can last up to six weeks. Anyone aged 19 and over who receives unemployment benefit is eligible to join a programme – and won’t lose their benefit during the placement.

Skills Bootcamps

Skills Bootcamps are practical and designed to give you the opportunity to build up sector-specific skills and fast-track to an interview with a local employer.

These short courses, which last up to 16 weeks, provide hands-on training to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive. 

Am I suitable?

Both types of courses are suitable for anyone over 19 who live in the West Midlands.

The difference is that SWAPs are eligible for anyone receiving an unemployment benefit, and Skills Bootcamps are available to anyone.

How will it help me?

You'll have the chance to secure brand new employment opportunities, step into new roles, responsibilities, and exciting prospects within your current job.

SWAPs also give you a work experience placement and will guarantee you a job interview or help with the application process.

Nearly 6,000 people have taken part in a Skills Bootcamp in the West Midlands, with 70% of them going on to find work. You could be one of them.

Is this Physical, Remote, or Distance learning?

This can vary from the training provider and the nature of the Bootcamp or SWAP. The Skills Bootcamps usually consist of a hybrid learning approach to help you gain practical experiences and each SWAP offers a flexible approach.

How much is the course?

These are fully funded programmes for adults aged 19 or above - so no cost to you!


Find A Course

Skills Bootcamps

Search this A-Z list of funded Skills Bootcamps to help you get a new job.

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