Due Diligence
WMCA has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with modern slavery.
West Midlands Combined Authority undertakes due diligence on all suppliers; we have in place a central register of all our suppliers.
In line with our procurement policy thresholds, the CA conducts a Pre-Qualification process to evaluate potential suppliers and contractors, this is a mandatory questionnaire built into the WMCA Electronic Tendering System. The Pre-Qualification questionnaire includes a section on the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
WMCA procurement staff seek clarification on abnormally low tenders for amplification as to why this is the case. Procurement will reject the tender if the bid is low due to: a breach of the tenderer environmental, social or labour law or illegal State aid is being provided to the Tenderer.
Buyers are expected to be proactive and take any necessary and appropriate steps when procuring goods or services. This encompasses assessing any risks to modern slavery and human trafficking.