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Digital Bootcamp Guidance - For the funding year 1 August 2021 - July 2022

Digital bootcamp program

The core focus of the Digital Bootcamps is to help unemployed, economically inactive and career change residents in the WMCA administrative area to enter digital roles beyond entry-level. These bootcamps can also be used to support employed residents to gain the skills required to secure more digital responsibility or promotion within existing employment

The mandatory requirements for digital bootcamp provision are as follows:

  • A guaranteed job interview for a genuine digital vacancy
  • An increase in digital responsibility within current employment to be demonstrated by a letter from the employer
  • A change of job role to be demonstrated by an employment contract/job offer letter
  • The participant declared themselves as self-employed and completed the relevant paperwork
  • Certificate of achievement
  • Although we are not stipulating that specific vendor qualifications or accredited qualifications are delivered, these can be included where it is deemed necessary to secure a positive outcome
  • Clear and structured support in securing employment both during the bootcamp and upon completion
  • A minimum of 70% of completers progress into a positive outcome (as defined above)

The minimum performance level for Digital Bootcamp positive outcomes is 70%. Therefore, it's vital that employers are engaged in the development of the offer and the provision of guaranteed interviews leading to employment and content creation for employed learners.