Night Time Economy
The WMCA recognises the critical importance of our Night-Time Economy (NTE) sectors to the prosperity of our region. The NTE covers a wide range of activity in town and city centres taking place between the hours of 18:00 – 06:00 including retail, culture & leisure, transport and accommodation, but also activities that support these sectors such as security and supply chains. In addition, there are a number of sectors operating on a 24-hour basis such as health & social care, logistics and manufacturing, therefore forming part of the wider NTE.
The WMCA Economic Growth Board recognises the value that these activities bring to our economy and want to ensure that the positive benefits particularly from the core sectors are maximised and their growth is supported.
As part of this focus, the WMCA is recruiting a West Midlands Night-Time Economy Advisor (voluntary role), who will be the lead and figurehead for night-time economy across the WMCA.
Find out more about the opportunity and how to apply.

Night Time Economy role brief
Learn about the role