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Natural Environment Awards
Nominate a project for the Natural Environment Awards
Nominate a project for the Natural Environment Awards
Full Name
Connection to the nominated project?
Consent for storing submitted data
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WMCA’s privacy policy
I confirm the information included within the application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge
I confirm the information included within the application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge
I confirm that I am willing to arrange for the WMCA communications team to video our work if the application is successful in being shortlisted
I confirm that I am willing to arrange for the WMCA communications team to video our work if the application is successful in being shortlisted
I consent that if our work is successful in being shortlisted for the award, to our work being included in a best practice document to showcase all winning projects
I consent that if our work is successful in being shortlisted for the award, to our work being included in a best practice document to showcase all winning projects
Application Details
Name of application
This will appear on any certificate/award should the nomination be shortlisted.
Name of organisation(s) / Partnership
This will appear on any certificate/award should the nomination be shortlisted.
Email for Project Lead
I am applying for the following award
Please only select one
Select one option
Community award
Business award
Public Sector award
Education award
In no more than 500 words, please explain the detail of your work/project
In no more than 300 words, explain what impact your work/project has had on contributing to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity and what impact this has had on people and place
In no more than 300 words, explain the reach of your project/work. This could include the impact your work has had within your industry, how the local community have been engaged with and what partners have been involved
In no more than 200 words, explain why your project/work is innovative and/or creative in protecting and/or enhancing biodiversity
In no more than 200 words, show the legacy of your work/project on how the work will be continue and be maintained
Please submit only 5 supporting photos. Any additional supporting information will not be sent to the judges.
PDF, DOCX, PNG and JPG files accepted.