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Andrew Lee Dental Practice

Sector: Healthcare

Size of Organisation: 16 employees

Thrive Lead: Sima Chauhan

What they do: This dental practice was established in 1992 and is based in Leamington Spa. There are lots of demands on the 16 staff that always strive to provide a quality and friendly service so the practice wanted to provide a healthy and safe working environment.

How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: Starting with reviewing policies and procedures so everyone understood the guidance and support available provided a solid foundation in which to then introduce wellbeing activities including industry specific posture, relaxation and yoga sessions and even a campaign to ‘walk the world’ One of the team did a boxing challenge and the rest of the team cheered them to victory!

Since implementing the Thrive at Work programme, staff are very appreciative of the benefits of the yoga relaxation sessions and actively use the staff health plan and a Mental Health First Aider is in place for staff to provide support to the staff.

Award Date: July 2022