Section 11. – Multiply additional Funding Rules
This section sets out additional funding eligibility rules for learners funded through Multiply. Eligibility rules set out in the Eligibility section of this document are also applicable to learners funded through Multiply.
The overall objective of Multiply is to increase the levels of functional numeracy in the adult population (aged 19 years and above) across the UK, as identified by the following success measures:
- More adults achieving maths qualifications courses (up to, and including, Level 2 –with GCSEs and FSQs as the qualifications of choice in England – or equivalent);
- Improved labour market outcomes e.g., fewer numeracy skills gaps reported by employers, and an increase in the proportion of adults that progress into sustained employment and / or education; and
- Increased adult numeracy across the population –this overall impact, which goes beyond achieving certificates or qualifications, will track both the perceived and actual difference taking part in the programme makes in supporting learners to improve their understanding and use of maths in their daily lives, at home and at work -and to feel more confident when doing so.
Principles of Funding
We will fund eligible learners where the WMCA have formally agreed the allocation and business case (delivery plan) with a provider.
Providers must make sure an individual is eligible for Multiply funding before including them in their claim. It is your responsibility to check the eligibility of the resident at the start of each adult learning aim, and only include eligible residents in your claim.
It is your responsibility to ensure that an individual meets the requirements of the funding and target groups outlined in your Business Case schedule, issued as part of your contract.
- A condition that Multiply funds will only be provided where learners are engaged in safe and appropriate learning environments;
- A condition that Multiply funds will only be provided where learners are protected from extremism and the provider complies with the ‘Prevent’ Duty guidance
- A requirement that arrangements exist for the appropriate handling and protection of Multiply learner data; and
- A requirement of equal treatment and access to provision for Multiply funded learners and relevant adjustments under the Equality Act 2010
Learner Eligibility
To be funded by the WMCA, residents must meet the following criteria:
- aged 19 or above on 31 August, on the first day of learning within the 2022 to 2023 funding year
- do not already hold a Level 2 maths
Data Submission
Data submissions for Multiply will be processed in 2 ways: through the Individual Learner Record (ILR) and through completion of the WMCA Multiply Monitoring Sheet. These must be submitted in line with the guidance provided in the Operational Plan within your contract.
You must accurately complete all ILR fields as required in the ILR specification, even if they are not required for funding purposes.
The ILR must accurately reflect the learning and support (where applicable) you have identified, planned and delivered to eligible individuals. You must not report inaccurate information that would result in an overstatement of the funding claimed.
Where your data does not support the funding claimed, we will take action to correct this, and we could recover funds you overstated.
In addition to the information in this section, the Multiply Operational Plan has been provided with your contract, which sets out how you should submit data and how the WMCA will undertake its financial due diligence, make payments, performance manage, audit and gain assurance from its providers.
WMCA has provided extra guidance regarding ILR coding please refer to the WMCA Coding guidance for more information.
You should also refer to the ESFA ILR specification and provider manual for 2022/23, and any other relevant documents referred to in those documents.
You must:
- Use funding model 99 and LDM code 385 to identify learners undertaking
- Multiply funded provision which is adult numeracy up to L2.
- Record the employment status of learners accessing the offer in the ILR and in the WMCA Multiply Monitoring Sheet.
- Multiply specific non-regulated learning aims that are available to be used can be found in the coding guidance.
- Learners participating in regulated numeracy courses through Multiply should be recorded on the existing regulated learning aims.
Evidence requirements
The DfE and WMCA will conduct random sampling checks of learner and employer evidence throughout the duration of the grant period aligned to reporting periods. We reserve the right to vary the volume and cadence of checks over the lifetime of the contract.
At the specified submission points, you will receive a random sample based on the learner data included within the data returns. This will be presented in a table and sent to you to complete as you collate the required evidence.
It is therefore imperative that you have access to learner evidence for 100% of learners who are participating on Multiply programmes.
The evidence checks are retrospective by default and do not impact our ability to authorise payment claims. However, if any issues arise from any part of the process relating to data returns, payment claims or previous evidence checks, we reserve to right to conduct evidence checks in advance of releasing payment
Evidence that you hold for learners should include but is not limited to the documents listed in your Operational Plan.
Given the varied nature of Multiply courses, evidence of successfully completing a training course will be agreed between WMCA and the provider but must include evidence of passing any assessments for regulated qualifications.
Quality Assurance Team
The intention of this team is to support providers, to deliver consistently high- quality programmes, identify and share best practice and promote continuous improvement in Multiply delivery now and in the future.
We will work alongside you in the process of Quality Assuring and where possible improving the delivery.
In the near-term, we plan to conduct visits to each provider to observe teaching and learning, have discussions with key staff, learners, and other stakeholders, as well as reviewing relevant documentation.
Whistleblowing and Complaints Guidance
Please refer to your contract and Operational Plan for guidance on all required policies and processes relating to Whistleblowing and . This should be considered alongside the Whistleblowing and Complaints policies and processes.
Whistleblowing involves entering a 'whistleblowing' webform.
Whistleblowing entries for Multiply must be clearly marked as 'Multiply' and will submitted via the DfE's whistleblowing submission process and will be escalated to the relevant policy team.
Provider should ensure this information is passed onto residents.