The WMCA Environment Programme is split into four distinct themes, with a cross-cutting theme of behaviour change.
The programme works alongside WMCA’s net zero WM2041 agenda to create a better environment and tackle climate change.
Each programme theme has its own strategy or plan that provides the evidence to inform WMCA’s priorities for delivery. The programme areas include:
- Natural Environment
- Circular Economy
- Climate Adaptation
- Air Quality
Since October 2023 the Environment programme has also included the Community Environment Fund, which provides support to communities in delivering initiatives that improve the environment and people's lives.
Click on the links below to find out more about the different parts of the environment programme.

Natural Environment
Find out more about how the WMCA is improving our environment.

Creating a Circular Economy
Discover what it means to create a Circular Economy.

Climate Change Adaptation
Discover the climate impacts in our area.

Air Quality
Find out about our work to improve air quality in the region.

Community Environment Fund
Apply now for funding to improve the environment in the West Midlands.