Inclusive Growth Framework Fundamentals
Affordable and safe places
Affordable and safe places is about everyone having decent homes that they can afford, neighbourhoods where they feel secure, and feel a sense of belonging in the place that they live.
We recognize that different groups of people have different experiences. For instance, thinking about the impact on people with low incomes, disabled people, older people, and those with additional needs. We need to ensure that the design of parks, public areas, or neighbourhoods are inclusive and accessible, so that everyone can thrive.
Designing out homelessness in the West Midlands through prevention by design: ensuring a supply of affordable homes, tackling welfare related poverty, good employment, information, integrated prevention, advice and guidance.
- Ratio of median house price to median annual earnings
- Additional affordable homes and vacant dwellings
- Rates of homelessness such as families with children in temporary accommodation
- People killed or seriously injured in road traffic collisions
- Crime rates (criminal damage and arson; juvenile first time entrants to the youth justice system [aged 10-17]; violence against the person with injury; domestic violence and abuse)
- Bus safety: crimes per million boards
- Domestic violence

Inclusive Growth Framework