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WM2041 Actions

Key Points


We need to make the journey to 2041 without leaving anyone behind

By 2041, the West Midlands economy needs to shift to one which is zero carbon and abides by circular economy principles, while enabling the people of the region to build and enjoy their prosperity. That is not where we are at the beginning of 2020. The choices we make now will determine whether the region can deliver on its obligations, and the extent to which we can do so in a way which alleviates poverty, deeper inequality, and disenfranchisement.


We need to boost our resilience to ‘locked in’ climate breakdown

Some changes to the climate are inevitable – either. because they have already happened, or will already happen. This means that the people, places and infrastructure that comprise the West Midlands will need investment in order to withstand impacts like increased rainfall and extreme temperatures. This will require us to think differently about nature-based solutions to climate change, as well as how we build homes and communities.


We need to reconcile our past with our future

The West Midlands has a proud industrial past, and our strengths in sectors like automotive are deeply embedded in our psyche. Cars are not just how many people get around: they are part of who we are. We need to take this part of our identity forward without locking the region into congestion, polluted air and climate breakdown. This means we need to prioritise mobility solutions that support public health and social outcomes.


We need to build more places, and more connectivity between places

In the West Midlands, we need to build 215,000 homes by 2031 to house an additional 500,000 people. Those people will need more than a home to live in: schools, shops, GP surgeries, bus routes, broadband connections, leisure facilities, places to send their household waste, and more. All while investing into the quality and connectivity of existing places. Our region needs to grow while our emissions shrink.


We need to save energy and resources without reducing shared prosperity

We want people in this region to become more prosperous, together – but we will need to do this while reducing demand for energy, resources, and recalibrating our demands on the land and natural environment more broadly. Moving away from single-use plastics is an active shift that we can learn from, but there will need to be a lot of these types of shifts happening simultaneously across sectors.