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Sectoral Analysis

Sectoral breakdown

These are the 15 main goals and modelling of carbon reduction.

1. Domestic energy efficiency retrofit

2. Domestic heating retrofit

3. Domestic solar PV

Co-benefits of delivery:

  • Lower energy bills & fuel poverty
  • Reduce inequalities

4. Commercial energy efficiency retrofit

5. Commercial heating retrofit

6. Commercial solar PV

7. Industrial energy efficiency & fuels

8. Industrial renewables

Co-benefits of delivery:

  • Boosting regional competitiveness
  • Retain energy spend in region
  • New business opportunity & economic growth

9. Avoiding travel

10. Shifting travel

11. Improving passenger service fleets

12. Improving freight fleets

13. Improving private vehicles

Co-benefits of delivery:

  • Cleaner air
  • Better physical & mental health

14. Land use (Renewables)

15. Land use (Natural Capital)

Co-benefits of delivery:

  • Adapting to climate change
  • Enhancing biodiversity
  • Better physical & mental health